Meet the Author
Meet Thelma Daniels
When I attended elementary school at the age of nine years old I was short and as a grown woman I am still short, I was skinny had no body shape, I always had golden complexion, my hair was black, thick and mid shoulder length, because of my height and shape I had a lack of confidence in myself, majority of the girls in my class and on the school ground did not have the long hair but they had a body shape and dressed stylish whereas I was just a plain dressed little skinny fourth grader and had no friends; I loved school I always gotten good grades and my teachers liked me as their student ,it was a good feeling for awhile until my classmates began to start bullying me, calling me the teacher’s pet, saying” I think I am better than they are because I am light skinned and have long hair”. I did not have any brothers or sisters during that time in my life so all I wanted was to have friends in my classroom or on the playground but because of their jealousy toward me I began pretending to be sick a lot so I could stay home from school. Today when I see or hear of someone being bullied I think about my pass and I know how that child is hurting.
“The DP Kids’’ is a book where a group of neighborhood children
comes from a mixture of different cultural backgrounds who have
gained the boldness to talk about their experiences of being bullied
and about family situations and keep each other encouraged by
reminding themselves that every child is special and no one is better than the other and they all agree that prayer and God’s word can help them understand the diverse people that they encounter. I chose the title“The DP Kids”because it is a book that provides a way to begin discussion around complex ideas that our children are all facing. DP stands for Diverse Posse; different cultures that gain true friendship for life.